The invitation to Lent spoken on Ash Wednesday reminds us that we enter this season together “with the whole church.” It goes on to state that “we are created for communion with God, to love one another, and to live in harmony with creation.” Though many common Lenten practices rightly invite us to individual acts of “repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love,” Lent is also a time for deepening of community.
In the early church, the weeks before Easter were a time in which the whole community took responsibility for the training of catechumens. Not only were the catechumens enriched by this formation, but those already within the community were strengthened in their faith along with them.
Using readings from Mark’s gospel, this series invites the congregation to reflect on what it means to be in community with one another, with the world, with creation, and with God.
Join us for a community meal beginning at 5:45 p.m. then worship at 7:00 p.m. each week of Lent
March 5—Ash Wednesday Chicken Crepes, home-cooked by Karen & Tom Ingram’s dinner team
March 12—In Community with Creation Pulled Pork & Mac ‘n Cheese, home-cooked by the BSLC Youth
March 19—In Community with All the Saints Corned Beef Dinner, home-cooked by the Kathy & Mike Lewis’ dinner team
March 26—In Community with Our Neighbors Baked Potato Bar, home-cooked by Jovita & Mike Cunnngham’s dinner team
April 2—In Community with Those on the Margins Italian Feast, home-cooked by Michelle & Steve Luck’s dinner team
April 9—In Community with Christ Chili Cook-off, home-cooked by Shelley & Doug Beck’s dinner team
** the Lenten worship services will be held in the Chapel, and therefore will NOT be available for viewing online **
Dinner teams are currently forming to prepare and serve these Wednesday meals. Serving together is one more way to build community. Join a team either below or sign up in the Welcome Center.