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"Nehemiah – Putting Feet to Prayers" Worship Series

The Book of Nehemiah recounts how Nehemiah, the cupbearer to the Persian King, led the charge to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem to protect the Jewish people living in their homeland. He partnered with Ezra, the priest, who also has a book named after him in the Bible. Faced with incredible opposition, Nehemiah prayed fervently for the success of his endeavors, but he also did specific things to partner with God and put those prayers into action, a practice called putting feet to prayers.

Worship each Sunday, 9 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.

  • October 31 Time to Rebuild

  • November 7 Overcoming Opposition

  • November 14 Returning to Worship and the Law

  • November 21 Anchoring Future Generations

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