This Series
During the Sundays in Lent, we will meditate on the five ways in which Jesus Christ was physically wounded (in chronological order). The Romans were known not only for their excessive use of capital punishment, but also for their advanced skill at torturing people. Jesus experienced the full intensity of their rule of law, or the Pax Romana (“Roman Peace”), and so we will follow his experiences to examine what each of them mean for our daily lives. How is our faith affected by a flagellum, a crown of thorns, a set of nails, another nail, and a spear? How do these things apply to living life today?
This Week
The fourth sacred wound of Christ occurred when the Romans nailed Jesus’ feet into the cross.Today’s gospel reading tells of a woman who bathed Jesus’s feet in an expensive oil as well as her tears. She knew that Jesus was about to undergo great suffering for her and for us, and she wanted to show him love and gratitude for the do-over he gave her in life. This is the same do-over available to us.
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