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January 24, 2021 Service: Why Are Some Religious Leaders Jerks? (Replay)

From the Tough Questions of Faith series

There are common questions that people ask God or want to ask God but are too afraid. At Beautiful Savior, we believe that God doesn’t get angry at us for asking questions, as if questions are somehow a sign that faith is lacking. Instead, the courage and willingness to ask questions are themselves building blocks of stronger faith. Faith is like a muscle; it must be stretched and challenged in order to remain healthy and grow. The following is a list of just a few of those many questions we may want to ask God. As you read these questions, ask yourself who you know that needs to hear a topic addressed and how you might invite that person to come to worship.

This Week

Why do some religious leaders act like jerks? It’s because they forget why they are religious leaders in the first place. They forget that serving God is not about personal fame or fortune, but simply serving God and telling people who God is. And as Scripture teaches us, God is love.

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