Acts 9:1-9 - Paul’s (Saul’s) Name Never Changed
Encountering the Resurrected Jesus
An incredible number of people witnessed Jesus being alive, being resurrected, after his crucifixion. While some people today claim that Jesus’s resurrection was an illusion, or a mass hallucination of zealous followers, or a conspiracy on behalf of a select group of disappointed and disgruntled followers who sold a lie to the world for some unspecified reason, the actual accounting of witnesses is astonishing and can’t be reasonably dismissed. This Easter season worship series will examine the record of those people who met, spoke, and even ate with Jesus after he rose from the dead, whether they be the accounts of anywhere from one individual to over five hundred people at one time. Through these seven weeks, we will hear their stories, but more importantly, we will hear the truth about life conquering death through Jesus Christ.
This Week
The Apostle Paul, also known as Saul, used to be a professional killer of Christians. Saul thought that this was his calling from God. Then, he had an encounter with the resurrected Jesus while traveling on the road to Damascus to arrest some of Jesus’s followers. This encounter began a transformation in Saul that culminated in him becoming a follower of Jesus who traveled throughout the Roman Empire sharing Jesus’s good news and eventually giving his own life for the faith he once persecuted.
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