This Series
The Bible says what!? Yes, there are some pretty bizarre stories in the Bible that we don’t teach children in Sunday School. Quite frankly, many adults have never heard these stories either. However, these events were recorded in the Bible for a reason. The point of our summer sermon series, Bizarre Bible Stories, is to dig into these stories and find the meaning behind them. Beautiful Savior’s goal is that, through this sermon series, you will enjoy a lot of the humor found in the Bible, some of which is hidden and some of which is not so hidden, but all of which gives us lessons for living today.
This Week
Today we consider how we often forget how frequently scientific discoveries are the result of superstitious practices. Similarly, it is easy to miss that some of our faith practices also result from a false belief that some obsessive-compulsive practice is somehow controlling God. But we cannot control God – that is what sorcerers wrongly try to do. Still, in the end, God’s will prevails, despite people’s tendency to be superstitious in living out their faith.
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