Jul 7, 20211 min

Into the Unknown

Welcome to our Kids Summer Faith Kits, Into the Unknown. Each week you and your family can study together and learn how to lean on God during times of uncertainty.

The first session of our Summer Faith Kits will focus on the story of Moses, and how the characters in that story put their trust in God during a highly unstable time.

The second session of Into the Unknown will focus on the story of David & Goliath, again highlighting the story of tremendous trust in God.

Follow the links below to start your journey Into the Unknown!

Moses Summer Faith Kit

David & Goliath Summer Faith Kit

We all have our own faith journey. Learn from members of the Beautiful Savior family, as they share their faith journeys.

Mrs. Thompson

Mrs. Roxanne

Shelby Arnold

Mr. Tim & Ms. Cheryl

Never done a family devotional before?

No worries!

Quick Tips!

  1. Read through the devotional together, maybe take turns reading.

  2. Read the Bible story together

  3. Go through the questions as a family, allowing everyone a chance to answer. IMPORTANT: there are no wrong answers!

  4. Branch out, don’t be afraid to try something new! Give the activities a chance and see how they go!

  5. Pray together as a family

  6. Have FUN!
